Throughout the year the Reno Rodeo Association gives thousands of dollars and hours to community youth programs and projects (food drives, university scholarships, community clean-ups, handicapped riding programs,...) the following are ways the Association involves youth and senior citizens during the rodeo. The programs listed below are paid for exclusively by the Association and by the monetary contributions of local businesses. Any dollars invested will help provide the following programs to Reno/Sparks area youth and senior citizen organizations. All programs are FREE to the youths and seniors who participate. Western Spirit contribution is under the direction of the Reno Rodeo Community Spirit Committee, chaired by Association Directory Marnie Sheffield. The following are ways your funding would assist youth and senior citizens programs at this year's Reno Rodeo.
Youth Programs - Behind the Chutes Tour Area childcare facilities and schools receive a behind the scenes look at the Rodeo. The program supplies information on rodeo history, the animals, the bullfighters (rodeo clowns), the cattle drive and other highlights about the wester way of life. Over 3,000 area youth attend this program annually.
Reno Rodeo Field Trips Funding covers the transportation of students from local schools to attend programs dealing with any "Western heritage" fieldtrip. (Schools must send written requests to apply for funding.)
Rodeo Education & Children Program (REACH) An assembly taken directly to area schools to provide the incentive to "Cowboy Up" in life including "bucking the pressures of drug & gangs" and "roping kids away from crime and violence." This assembly program educations the youth about the qualities of freedom, honesty, rugged indivualism and simplicity that are exemplified by the American rodeo cowboy.
Buck-a-roo Breakfast & Parade Senior Citizens are provided breakfast with special seating during the Reno Rodeo Parade, one of Reno's best parades of the year. Drill Team Competitions A relaxing way to spend an afternoon, enjoying the sigths and sounds of extraordinary drill team routines. Rodeo Performance Seating Over 200 area seniors attend the rodeo and enjoy the thrill of the sport. Catch the Western Spirit Reno area businesses are encouraged to decorate and dress western the week before the rodeo starts. Reno Rodeo brochures and ad posters are provided to them for distributions. Their names are entered in a drawing for 10 tickets to a rodeo performance, plus they are entered in a drawing for the Grand Prize - the Framed Reno Rodeo Poster and buckle, with 4 tickets to the final performance. CSP Parade Entry Our committee places a parade entry to show Western Spirit. Committee members decorate and man the 40 foot float. In the past Catch the Western Spirit winners, childcare facilities, and school dance teams have been highlighted.