Since the Reno Rodeo Association's Exhibit Committee, as well as most of the other activities of the Reno Rodeo, is staffed and operated by volunteers, this Commercial Exhibitors Handbook is designed with the intention of answering many of the questions which may be encountered by exhibitors at the Reno Rodeo, and to supply information that will aid in the operation of your exhibit. If the handbook is thoroughly studied, time and money will be saved and many common problems can be avoided. The Reno Rodeo Association Exhibit Hall Committee reserves the final and absolute right to interpret the rules and regulations set forth herein and in the contract, and to arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions, or references in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, connected with, or incident to the Reno Rodeo events. It further reserves the right to determine unforeseen matters not covered by these rules and other contractual matters.
1. PLEASE NOTE that the logo of the Reno Rodeo is a Registered Trademark and MAY NOT be used, under any circumstances, without the PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION from the Reno Rodeo Association.
2. Disregard of any rule by the exhibitor forfeits all monies, rights and privileges.
3. Exhibitors are bound by the terms of the contract they sign at the time of securing exhibit space. In addition, they are under strict supervision of the Reno Rodeo Association and its Exhibit Hall Committee agents.
4. The Reno Rodeo Association's Exhibit Hall Committee reserves the right to establish, in writing, and enforce whatever rules are necessary for the regulation and operation of the exhibits.
5. If your booth will be gathering names, addresses and phone numbers from visitors, please take care not to represent yourself as being from or with the Reno Rodeo Association when you telephone them later.
If you have any suggestions that you believe would make this handbook more useful, such would be very much appreciated.
You may leave a message for Fred Woodside, Exhibit Hall Committee Chairman, with your comments and / or suggestions at (775) 329-3877, Extension 206.
2003 Reno Rodeo Performance Schedule
June 21, 2003 7:00 pm June 25, 2003 7:00 pm
June 22, 2003 7:00 pm June 26, 2003 7:00 pm
June 23, 2003 7:00 pm June 27, 2003 7:00 pm
June 24, 2003 7:00 pm June 28, 2003 7:00 pm
June 29, 2003 1:00 pm
Decide what you want to do with your booth and establish exhibit objectives: increase sales, introduce a new product, improve a public image, differentiate your product line, etc. WHAT MAKES VISITORS REMEMBER YOUR EXHIBIT There are many reasons an exhibitor decides to participate in a particular exhibition. The key measure to success is how effectively the exhibitor achieves their objectives for that show. Since objectives vary widely, it is difficult to compare one booth against another, even if booths have similar products. An underlying component of success, however, is the degree to which booth visitors remember what they saw and the name of the exhibiting company. The following facts are from a research report, which was designed to study the identifying factors that make an exhibit better remembered. HOW VISITOR MEMORY IS INCREASED BOOTH PERSONNEL - This is a key factor when measured by the percentage of prospects actually contacted by booth personnel. Effective booth performance has a positive influence on visitor memory. EXHIBIT APPROACH - This factor is as important as booth personnel to increase visitor memory. Having an attractive, well-arranged booth is most important, while attention getting techniques (such as games, entertainment, etc.) score low because they tend to overshadow the product, attract non-qualified visitors, and perhaps keep sales personnel from making contacts. OTHER FACTORS - Elements of booth design (fits a western theme), company identification and speedy follow-up inquiries play important roles. HOW MANY PEOPLE REMEMBER WHAT THEY SEE? - On average, 75% of the visitors remember visiting a well-designed and managed exhibit for several weeks.
In general, the following is helpful information on the requirements for exhibiting at the 2002 Reno Rodeo. Our hope is that the included information will assist you in having a rewarding experience at the 2002 Reno Rodeo. EXHIBIT SPACE The Reno Rodeo has three venues for commercial exhibits: Western Hall, South Hall and Outside. Each of these venue areas, their costs and locations is described in more detail later in this handbook. All three venues are managed to present a western theme, which is a requirement for the products and displays in the Western Exhibit Hall. Annually, about 70 to 80 percent of the available commercial exhibit spaces in these three venue areas are committed to the previous year's exhibitors, except in the South Hall where about 50 percent is available for new commercial exhibits. An application / registration form is included with this handbook. If you have an interest in exhibiting in the 2002 Reno Rodeo, please use the registration form provided and send it in, as instructed on the form, as soon as possible. New exhibitors will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis depending on location availability, quality of product and booth design.
1. Remember that the Reno Rodeo has a western theme for each exhibitor to maintain. Strive to have a booth that is bright and attractive. The western theme adds immensely to the atmosphere of the exhibit buildings; this is especially important if you plan to be in the Western Exhibit Hall.
2. Determine what might interest your visitors. Present it simply and directly. You have approximately six to eight seconds to actually stop a potential customer.
3. Balloons are NOT ALLOWED in either of the exhibit buildings, so do not plan on using such in your booth. Also, the Fire Marshall has strictly prohibited the use of hay / straw bales in the Western and South Exhibit Halls. Artificial hay / straw bales that pass fire codes are allowed.
4. You are advised to have materials used in the construction of you booth flameproofed or treated with a flameproof solution. To be safe, it would be advisable to have a fire extinguisher in your booth at all times.
5. If you use extension cords in your booth for any reason local fire codes require such to be heavy-duty grounded cord.
PRODUCT DISPLAY RESTRICTIONS Please be advised that there are restrictions on displaying and selling certain products at the Reno Rodeo, namely NO Boots or plain, denim Jeans other than Wrangler brands. If you plan PRODUCT DISPLAY RESTRICTIONS - continued to display and sell cowboy hats, please be sure to fully identify the type and quality of the products in your application and obtain approval from the Reno Rodeo Exhibit Hall Committee Chairman. SIGNS Please remember that the Reno Rodeo does not allow "Discount, Free Drawing, Clearance, or Sale" signs to be displayed at any time. You may use the wording "Rodeo Special"; otherwise any other such sign must be approved by an Exhibit Hall Committee agent in writing.
You are encouraged to apply the following to your personnel:
1. Be sure you fully train and orient your employees.
2. Emphasize courtesy.
3. Provide breaks for your employees (the Western Hall has very long hours).
4. Avoid all offensive situations.
5. Insist on a smart, clean appearance.
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS All exhibitors must either provide a proof of insurance certificate for a minimum $1,000,000 (one million dollars) in liability, indemnifying the Reno Rodeo (see attached example of an acceptable insurance form), or purchase liability insurance from the Reno Rodeo Association. DEMONSTRATION OF INSURANCE MUST BE DELIVERED TO OR PURCHASED FROM THE RENO RODEO ASSOCIATION PRIOR TO JUNE 21, 2002. Proof of insurance must be faxed to 775-337-5965. If you plan to purchase insurance from the Reno Rodeo Association, the cost for such coverage is estimated to be $65.00 (sixty-five dollars). You will not be allowed to move in unless Proof of Insurance has been previously supplied or purchased.
SECURITY The Reno Rodeo Association will exercise every precaution to ensure that your exhibit and products are safe while at the 2002 Reno Rodeo and provide limited security 24-hours a day. Security will begin at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, June 20, 2002, and end at Noon on Monday, July 1, 2002. Even though security will be provided around the clock, you - THE EXHIBITOR - are responsible for your booths while the exhibit halls are open to the pubic. However, the Reno Rodeo Association does not assume responsibility for stolen products or displays, etc.
DECORATOR / EXPOSITION SERVICE The official exhibit hall decorator for the 2002 Reno Rodeo is RENO EXPOSITION. They will have a service desk available in the South Exhibit Hall during the move-in for your convenience. Their office phone number is (775) 351-2700. Please feel free to call either Sandy or Richard Baxter if you need any booth services not provided by the Reno Rodeo Association. The Reno Rodeo Association will provide booth draping for the South Exhibit Hall. Tables are available for all Exhibit areas from Reno Rodeo Association. Additional services are available from Reno Exposition; please contact them if you need any specific decorator items (e.g., drapes, chairs, stands, piping, etc.).
ELECTRICITY Electrical power is provided to the booths. 110 volts is normal and 220 volts is possible. If 220 volts or other special electrical requirements are needed, please contact the Exhibit Hall Chairman. STATE SALES TAX Nevada Sales Tax must be charged on all retail sales of merchandise. You either must have a Nevada Business Tax I. D. Number or pay the sales tax at the end of the Reno Rodeo, which is on Sunday, June 30, 2003. You will be provided a Tax Packet on the final Saturday, June 29, containing a Nevada State Sales Tax form, payment instructions, and payment envelope. A Reno Rodeo Exhibit Hall Committee agent will collect the completed forms, along with your tax payment, before noon on Sunday, June 30, 2003, prior to the final performance.
EXHIBITOR BADGES AND PARKING PASSES At the time of check-in, you will receive a packet containing your exhibitor badges and parking passes. There will be two (2) badges issued. If you need more than two (2) badges to accommodate the number of employees working in your booth, please contact the Exhibit Hall Committee, c/o Reno Rodeo Association, IN WRITING at least TWO WEEKS prior to the move-in dates, with a list of names and the days that each employee that will be working the booth. Parking passes are always in short supply and so are the available parking spaces. Thus, you will be limited to a MAXIMUM OF TWO (2) parking passes for the duration of the Reno Rodeo. Please - do not contact the Reno Rodeo Association office for additional exhibitor badges and / or parking passes. The Reno Rodeo Association office DOES NOT HAVE these items.
MOVE-IN AND MOVE-OUT SCHEDULES Pick-up Registration Packets and Set-up (All Exhibit Halls and Areas) Packets will be available for pick-up in the office located at the East end of the Western Hall (Indoor Arena). Packets WILL NOT be in the Reno Rodeo Association office. Exhibit Hall Committee agents will be available during the following times to assist you with your move-in needs and providing other valuable informational services. Wednesday, June 19, 2003 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, June 20, 2003 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Move-out Schedule You are required to attend to your exhibit until 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 29, 2003. You will have until Noon on Monday, June 30, 2003 to remove your exhibit.